About Bud Wichers (Security Photog)

At the heart of photography and videography is a personal vision and distinct point of view. It is a way of seeing, a perspective. My name is Bud Wichers and I am a self-taught (news) photographer, videojournalist and visual storyteller with an emphasis on Global Security and Social Issues.

Although I am based in the Netherlands I am born in one of the poorest slums in Indonesia. My birth parents sought to give me a better life than they had by putting me up for adoption in a hospital in the capital. Eventually, I landed in an orphanage just outside of Jakarta and was adopted by a lovely Dutch couple – my parents. They gave me the chance to grow and encouraged me to become anything I wanted. With the freedom and opportunity to decide on my own terms, in 1999 I became a multimedia journalist and documentary filmmaker.  

Since I learned first-hand what a difference it can make to be given opportunities, I strive to give others a platform to tell their stories. I appreciate that we live in a global community, where far more unites us than divides us. Because our joys and sorrows are inextricably linked. That is why personal narratives are so powerful in shedding light on and humanizing events.  

The photos and videos stories I provided to the assignment desks of Agence France-Presse and Thomson Reuters have been featured on CNN, BBC, and Al Jazeera. My reporting has taken me across the world. I covered major news events in high-risk areas and captured stories that are of global significance, including Ukraine, Syria, and Afghanistan. I have also been on the frontlines in Venezuela, Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Colombia, Israel and Palestine. I am always ready to travel anywhere in the world. This work runs through my veins and I strongly care for human rights stories.

I am blessed with a broad, diverse, trusted and global network of sources, sources and media organisations. I am also a proud member of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and an official Ambassador for the The Dutch Association of Journalists (NVJ).

In addition to my work behind the camera, I earned diplomas and certificates in Offender Profiling, Forensic Psychology and Criminal Psychology. I am an accredited member of the IAOTH, CTAA and the iGCBT.

When I am on the ground Indonesia, I volunteer for the Mijn Roots Foundation to help connect adopted children with their birth parents. This cause is very close to my heart. I am still searching for my biological mum and dad.

Helping other people that aren't as fortunate or 'lucky' has always been my greatest drive and motivation in life. I love to use my photo camera and knowledge to make a positive change in this world.

Inspiring wishes,

Bud Wichers

“If it makes you laugh, if it makes you cry, if it rips out your heart, that’s a good picture.”- Eddie Adams

Bud Wichers as a baby, held by a sister,  in his orphanage, Kasih Bunda, in Jakarta.

Bud Wichers was put up for adoption as a baby.

With his skills as a photographer Bud Wichers wants to make a difference.

“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can be achieved by understanding.” - Albert Einstein